How To: Read A Book

12 04 2012

This is much more complicated then it sounds. Some read books completely wrong. Follow these steps and you will successfully read a book. (You have to know how to read for this to work)


1. Hold it the right way around

2. Start at the top and work your way down

3.  Read left to right

4.  When you finish the page on the left side, make sure you start back over on the right page. You are not just done because you finish one page

5. After you finish the set of two pages, flip the page and start over!

6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you reach the end of the book. Then close the book, place it on a shelf and go do something fun

Thanks for reading and follow my blog,


How To: Juggle Three Objects

9 04 2012

So I’m starting to have trouble with ideas for my blog and I came up with juggling. If you have any ideas, please comment on this post with them! I would really appreciate it! So anyway, juggling. It’s pretty simple if you just do these 4 steps until you master them.


1. First thing is just throw ONE ball from your right hand in an arch up to your face then have it land in your left hand. You should NOT MOVE your hand to catch the ball.

2. Do step one but from left to right. This is because juggling involves both hands and you have to be equally skilled with both.

3. Once you have MASTERED steps 1 and 2 you can move on to 3: Step three is basically step 1 and 2 combined. You are going to throw the ball from your right hand in an arc in front of your face and then just as that one is at the top of its path, release ball number 2  from your left and arc it in front of your face and then into your right hand. Do this as many times as you need to until you MASTER it! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO #4 IF YOU DON’T MASTER STEP 3!

4. Now, add the third ball! You are going to basically do a loop: Right arc to left, left arc to right, right arc to left, etc. Getting that to be second nature is difficult, but it is fun once you can do it! Now, you are juggling.

Thanks for reading and please follow my blog and comment with new ideas!
